Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog All the Memes

I don't know about you, but I love memes. I also loved (notice i used the past tense) TV, but TV turns out not to be anything close to reality. Sadly.  Except Portlandia. That is all true. All of it. I went to Portland once. and my grandmother is from there. I have seen it in action, plus I am from Seattle so it is vaguely familiar, like the feeling you get when you see baguettes and know in your heart of hearts they are fancy breadsticks.

So after the debacle of expecting life to be like TV and it wasnt, I discovered memes. Ah sweet mystery of life at last I've found you! at last I know the secret of it all!! I developed a perhaps even unhealthy love of these nuggets of pixel-ated truth. They speak to me in force few things besides my mother, God, and the Bible are able to.

And thus, because I love to justify and over explain, in addition to my favorite activity of talking or writing. I have decided to devote my creative efforts to explain and rationalize My Life, In Memes.


  1. Who doesn't love a fancy breadstick? I know I do. I can't wait to read this blog :)

  2. Emily... your creativity knows no bounds. Where's the next entry?
