In Alaska there are many many ways to entertain yourself on the FML (Fish Money Line). Decide how to spend every second of your 900 second break, listening to the love lives of teenagers, or yelling at someone less competent than yourself. My favorite entertainment was telling stories about my dyslexic brother. and all the dyslexic jokes he doesn't get. Because the only thing better than a dyslexic joke, is a dyslexic joke a dyslexic kid doesnt get.
- A man walks into a bra.
- DNA stands for National Dyslexic Association
- Did you hear about the dyslexic satan worshipper? He sold his soul to santa.
Dyslexia is not funny, its hilarious.
Or at least it is in the middle of a 16 hour shift at 4am working off of 5 hours of sleep.
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